View great photography or show off you artistic talents and share memories with family and friends on your phone. Here's a collection of the best photo galleries and sharing sites on the mobile web plus a unique mobile web based image manipulation tool.

Flickr Mobile (xhtml-mp)
On you get past the annoying initial "Door Slam" pop-up message prompting you to install the native app version, Flickr's mobile web app is attractive and full featured. Photos are searchable by tag or description and front page liks let you view your Flickr social activity and your contact's photos.
One of the best features of Flickr Mobile, is the ability to upload photos directly from your browser. Browser uploading works on most smartphones except for Windows Phones as well as with many feature phone browsers. The web app is location aware, allowing you to tag your uploads by location and to view photos shot nearby
Flickr mobile is a great way to bore entertain your friends and acquaintances with your vacation photos anywhere, any time.

Picasa (xhtml-mp)

ShootTokyo (xhtml-mp)
A photography blog from an American named Dave who has lived and worked in Tokyo for over a dozen years. The site is filled with great photos not just of Tokyo but also from places around the world that Dave's day job in the tech takes him. The blog's not just photos either, all the photo sets have a personal narrative about the photographer's experiences while creating the image.
ShootTokyo is a WordPress site using the ProPhoto theme and ProPhoto's included mobile template.

Photobucket (xhtml-mp)
Photobucket is the latest major photo sharing and online photo album site to launch a mobile version. Photobucket, which is owned by Fox Interactive Media joins competitors Flickr and Google's Picasa on the mobile web. The mobile site lets you search public images by subject or user name and view your Photobucket albums. Surprisingly. Photobucket's Make Mobile service which sends an image to your phone as a multimedia message can not be initiated from the mobile site.

imgur (xhtml-mp)
Imgur, the "the simple image sharer" is an online photo sharing app that's handy for sharing photos with social networks and online communities. It also includes a public gallery of "the funniest pictures from all over the Internet."

TinyPic (xhtml-mp)
Tinypic is a photo and video sharing service that allows you to upload, link and share your images and videos on MySpace, eBay, blogs and message boards. Mobile site offers viewing of uploaded images. Mobile uploading is by MMS or email and requires registration. Source: Oh! Mobile Directory

ImageChef (xhtml-mp)
Ever wanted a personalized license plate? Your own star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? How about seeing your message on one of those big track side signs at a Formula One circuit? Now that would be cool!
ImageChef Mobile is a free service that lets you add your own message to a large collection of stock images. It's very easy to use. Just visit with your phone's browser, select an image template, type in your message and press the "Personalize" button (bottom image). Immediately the image is redisplayed with your customized message embedded. You can download and save it to use as wallpaper, send as an MMS or assign to a contact. Mobile images are available in two sizes; 120x120 px and 220x220 px. There are about a hundred images to choose from divided into categories like Sports, Signs, Friendship, Work and License Plates.
ImageChef Mobile has a desktop counterpart with more and larger 300x300 px templates including a few video templates. The desktop site has code for embedding the finished images in your website and buttons for sharing them on Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. According to terms on ImageChef's desktop site, the images, which carry a small watermark in the lower right corner are free for personal use. Elsewhere on the site ImageChef seems to define personal use rather broadly to include use on personal web sites and blogs. "Pro" membership at $10/month or $80/year removes the watermark, allows commercial use and lets you create the images in any size. ImageChef also has an API allowing developers to use it in mashups for things like chat sites and messaging services.
Image Chef does a remarkably good job of integrating your text into the stock image templates with very clean transitions and closely matched fonts, colors and text orientation. I found it a lot of fun to play with. Source:Oh! Mobile Directory

Lurvely (xhtml-mp)
Discover spectacular photography on Flickr. Built on the Flickr API, Lurvely that tries to find the most beautiful and artistic photos on Flickr.
Photos come from Flickr's Interestingness stream plus an algorithmic selection of the most popular photos by the most popular photographers. Lurvely users can "Lurve" a photo which is the equivalent of Flickr's favoriting.
The site is optimized for the iPhone but works with other browsers like S60 Webkit and Opera Mini that can handle the site's large (up to 200 KB) pages. Source: Oh! Mobile Directory

Mobypicture (xhtml-mp)
Mobypicture is a new service that lets you upload pictures from your phone to multiple social networks and blogging platforms including Twitter, Jaiku, Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, Livejournal, Brightkite, Facebook, Hyves or Vimeo.
Uploading is by MMS, email or a "browse for file" web form on the Mobypicture mobile site. When you upload a picture it's automatically posted to your accounts on all the networks and services you've configured in Mobypicture.
Mobypicture works well and seems popular, I'm seeing a lot of people using it on Twitter. I do wish it had better support for the embedded browsers on feature phones though. The problem is that the Mobypicture front page averages a whopping 250 KB thanks to 15 90 x 90 px image thumbnails. That's a lot of images and to make matters worse the images don't have their EXIF tags stripped so they are about 8X heavier than necessary. In its current form you need a smartphone or Opera Mini to be able to use the Mobypicture mobile site although you should be able to upload pictures by MMS or email from just about any phone.

Visual Dictionary (xhtml-mp)
Although this is billed as a dictionary, with no definitions and less than 5000 entries it's really more of a specialized image search. Enter a word and The Visual Dictionary returns images containing that word. Source Oh! Mobile Directory

Instabam (xhtml-mp)
A new location aware mobile web app that displays photos taken near your. The photos come from the popular iPhone photo taking and photo sharing app Instagram using the later's public API. Most are altered using Instagram's arty (some say cheesy) filters.
Pictures are displayed as a grid of thumbnails. Taping a picture shows it full-screen along with when and where it was shot and the photographer's name and avatar. A slider lets you alter the range that Instabam searches from the default of 1000m up to 5000m (about 3 miles).
Unlike the iPhone only Instagram, Instabam is designed to work with any touch screen phone that supports the geoloction API. I had no trouble using it with Android 1.5 and 2.2, bada Dolfin and Opera Mobile 10.1 and 11.0 browsers. I love how the webapp scales to fit any screen size.
Instambam was created "in a few hours" by a couple of obviously talented London based Web designers/developers Murat and @frasiocht. They plan to enhance Instabam with photo sorting and the ability to view photo comments, follow users and like photos.

Local photos (xhtml-mp)
Location aware keyword search for images on Twitter. Shows nearby images on devices with location provider support like Android and the iPhone. JavaScript required.
3-Nov-2013: Not working.