
m.boingboing.net/ (HTML5)
One of the most popular blogs on the internet. BoingBoing is updated daily with bizare, funny, entertaining or just plain interesting stories and pictures found on the web.


jokes.mobi/ (xhtml-mp)
"Joke of the Day" plus hundreds of other mobile formatted jokes organized by category. Source Mobility.mobi

Awkward Family Photos

m.awkwardfamilyphotos.com/ (xhtml-mp)
Exactly what the name implies, AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com is a place to share your embarrassing, funny and just plain wacky family photos with the world. Created by two Hollywood screenwriters a little over a year ago, the site has become a minor Internet sensation with over 15 million monthly visitors and spawned a book that reached the New York Times bestsellers list.
Now you can enjoy Awkward Family Photos on your phone with a new mobile view of the site created with Mobify.

A Guy and His Monkey

m.facebook.com/aguyandhismonkey (xhtml-mp)
A Guy and His Monkey, a web comic for your mobile phone. Hosted on a Facebook page. Sometimes a little NSWF but it will keep you laughing. Source: Oh! Mobile Directory


joke.mobi/ (xhtml-mp)
Joke of the day and archive of jokes in many categories like sports, technology and relationships. Source Oh! Mobile Directory

Rotten History

www.rotten.com/today/ (HTML5)

Laugh and Play

giggle.mobi/ (HTML5)
Laugh and Play by Various Authors is a collection of original stories about children's laughter and play. Many beautiful drawings.


wap.pfft.net/ (wml)


www.fark.com/pda.html (xhtml-mp)